Saturday, August 23, 2008

Freight & Salvage Part Two-Trina Hamlin Plays

So the Trina concert finally kicks off. I was excited. Wanted it to be good because I know that Wendy has put a lot of effort into helping this talented woman be successful. Trina was the opening act for Steve Forbert so with the exception of us, that is who most of the audience was there to see. Here music was very catchy and it didn't take long for this engaging entertainer to reel in the audience members. I definately think she added a number of new fans including our gang. The biggest disappoint for us was Trina's set was too short. I hope that Wendy has an opportunity to book her in the bay area again. It would be nice to see her play again and to see Wendy. In the meantime though, I have her new cd to listen to.
After Trina's set, we had some time before Steve Forbert played to take a few pictures. Besides the picture of Trina on stage, there is Jeff and Doyle, Stephan, Suzy, and I, and Stephan and Suzy (cute, aren't they).

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