Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sometimes We Have Stressful days Even at the Most Beautiful Places-Written by Dixy

Boy, was I excited about going to the beach today. Mom bought a new toy that would save her arm from the aches and pains of constantly throwing the tennis ball for me. Something about this thing lets her to throw it way far and it and it doesn't hurt. I don't understand it. I am not wired that way. Now ask me about sniffing out tennis balls and I can woof all about that. Anyways, we got to the beach at about 8:15 (mom didn't want to get there too early because long walk really make Colvin tired) and mom brought out the "Chuck It". Oh boy, was I excited. Mom flung the ball and I was off. It landed in a bush far away but I found it in no time. If rubber is what you are hunting, call my mom. I am really good at finding it. Okay, back to the story. We stayed at the top for awhile. We were waiting for my other brother and sister to show up. I like going on family walks even though I try to beat everyone to the ball. They don't seem to mind though. I think they just like to chase me. Oops, I am off track again. Sorry, my mind races a hundred miles a minute.
Today was a little different of a walk than usual. Mom was a little tense. I am not sure why but it might have been because a strange dog walked with us the whole time. It was really strange because he was without his people. I guess he lives close by and his people let him go where ever he wants by himself. He looked funny too. I heard mom say he was an unneutered pit mix. Not sure what that means but I think mom was worried he may not behave himself with the rest of us. Turns out he wasn't mean, just a real pest. He kept pestering Grady first, then Jasper, then Anise. He tried to pester Sara but she told him right off. He couldn't keep up with me so I was never even bothered. I heard mom saying something about how irresponsible his mom was. He didn't play with people too well and mom thought it was because he wasn't well socialized. Well because of him, mom wanted to turn and go back so the walk was a lot shorter than usual. Then on top of that, Kate's car was broken into. It wasn't the best day at the beach for the humans. I guess us dogs had a good enough time, just too short.


The Oceanside Animals said...

We had neighbors like this for a while, but fortunately they moved away ...

Unknown said...

We are glad to see that Sara is out having fun with the group again. Hope your recovery is nearly complete.

Rusty and Kalman

Tony said...

Hi Dixy, looks like a fun day was had even though you had to put up with a real pest. My wife puts up with one everyday.....

Pam Lambros said...

Yes Tony we doggies did have a good time inspite of the pest. Poor lonely guy.

How is your Dixie?